Training and Development in the Mining and Mineral processing sector

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson     Mandela

In the words of the South African and world icon, Nelson Mandela, the importance of training cannot be over-emphasized. It was for this reason that training institutions like MMTI where established and still succeeding to date.

MMTi was established in the early 2000’s to provide training for Middleburg Ferrochrome, a subsidiary of Samancor Chrome. The company has since then expanded to several branches around the country including in Mpumalanga, the Northern Cape and the North West.

We offer training in Lifting operations, metals production, surface mobile equipment, safety, abet and Mining and Mineral processing

MMTI is fully accredited through MQA, we are proud and are able to make a difference in the mining sector.

We are proudly accredited to give the following full qualifications:

  • Mineral Processing: Level 2 (59305)
  • Mineral Processing: Level 3 (62769)
  • Mineral Processing: Level 4 (6889)

National Certification:

  • Mining Operations for Underground Hardrock: Level 2 (58739)
  • Rock Breaking Underground Hardrock: Level 3 (58760)
  • Surface Excavation: Level 3 (62869)

The Purpose of Our Training

We are customer focused, meaning most of our practical training and assessments are done on site while the company is in full operation. This is cost effective and the shortcomings of an operator can be addressed with immediate effect. MMTI believes in engaging with our clients to ensure that the work we carry out is of the highest quality.

This is a win-win relationship so that the client can see the benefits for their company as well.

The training we provide under mining and mineral processing can be divided as follows:

Mining and Mineral Processing: NQF Level 1

This qualification is aimed at persons who work or intend working within a mining and mineral processing sector and who seek to acquire recognition of essential knowledge regarding the Mining and Mineral processing Sector and related operations.

This qualification would also be beneficial for community-based learners as it would afford them the opportunity to understand the environment they are living in and this in turn would be advantageous for employers in the area as this situation can lead to a supply of individuals with relevant foundational knowledge

Mineral Processing: NQF Level 2

Mineral processing plants are mostly located near rural areas. Many previously disadvantaged individuals from the rural areas are employed to work in these plants. This qualification will help improve their employability, e.g. in smaller mineral processing plants that cannot afford to do their own training as well as benefit the learner through the fundamental knowledge and life skills included in the qualification.

Mineral Processing: NQF Level 3

In addition to what is covered and achieved with the level 2 qualification, the employee can further his or her skills by enrolling for the level 3 in Mineral processing. This qualification will arm the learner with the essential embedded knowledge to be able to execute their duties to the best of their abilities. Social development and economic transformation are enhanced through efficient extraction, and career development and personal job satisfaction of operating personnel are facilitated through the learning process used to achieve the competency specified.

Mineral Processing: NQF Level 4

This qualification is intended to address the training needs for metallurgical process controllers. This competence provides the skills needed to supervise and coordinate significant processes within metallurgical operations. It also provides the basis upon which further related learning and career development can take place.

Mineral Processing Skills Programme

The skills program is considered to be the most widely used method for production benefits on mineral processing. Mineral processing is a process in which valuable minerals are separated from worthless material or other valuable minerals by inducing them to gather in and on the surface of a froth layer. Sulphide and non-sulphide minerals as well as native metals are recovered. This process is based on the ability of certain chemicals to modify the surface properties of the mineral(s).

The following is covered under this skills programme:

Ore Reception; crushing; scrubbing and screening; dense media separation

We at MMTi are firm believers in quality above everything. We are an ISO 9001:2008 accredited organisation and our quality policy guides us to become and provide the best training available.

Like Queen Elizabeth the second said, and I quote: “It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained."

MMTI is here to assist you to do a lot, by providing the kind of training you deserve!

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This edition

Issue 42
